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DDD'S HOME MADE Fruit Salad - Perfect timing and price # | Dondoesdeals

    Vanilla Yogurt     Shredded Coconut     Grapes, we prefer Green but your choice     Apple, again we prefer Green but your choice     Raisins     Nuts, something chopped - Walnuts work quite well     Equal to taste
Pic courtesy of  Bonappetit

With fruit and veges in full swing and the heat bubbling over, this is the time of year I have been reaching for this Fruit Salad recipe passed down from generation to generation. Is is cool refreshing and oooh so yummy and nutritious.

There is no right way to make this recipe and I have been making it for sooo many years that I do not have measurements for the ingredients and I am very happy to make it that way. I get a slight variety of this goodness each time I make it as I add a little more of this and a little less of that.

Quite often it is the sales going on that will make the difference as to what I add a touch more and less of. Without much more hype, I hope you enjoy this treasure as much as my family has been for years. Here is how easy it is to make your own Home Made Fruit salad:

In an oversized bowl which makes it easier to mix all up add

  • Vanilla Yogurt
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Grapes, we prefer Green but your choice
  • Apple, again we prefer Green but your choice
  • Raisins
  • Nuts, something chopped - Walnuts work quite well
  • Equal to taste
Chop everything into the size of pieces you will prefer, add the dry ingredients 1st a little at a time and then mix it all together with the Yogurt a little at a time. You do not want it too wet and if you can hold off, let it sit refrigerated overnight to combine. I am sure it will be completely gone before it has a chance to start showing some liquid separation to the bottom ( 2-3 days). I suggest stirring a couple times a day if you have it that long. Yes, there might be healthy ways to change this recipe, using different sugar substitutes so feel free to change as you wish.....

Optional Add ins - Pineapple cut up (fresh) , Cantaloupe , Kiwi, just about anything else you so desire that you may have on hand.... ENJOY!!!!

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